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Advanced New Media Production


I took Advanced New Media Production to learn more about interactivity on the web and Javascript. I really enjoyed the previous class and wanted to continue with web development. In this class, I completed many activities heavily featuring Javascript and frameworks of it. I also completed several projects that combine a high level of CSS, Javascsript, and HTML.

The Jukebox Jamboree combined Javascript to create a piano keyboard that users can play on their computer keyboard. Users can play along with the song–if they play part of it correctly, they get a secret reward.

The Cat Slideshow uses a Javascript framework to create several slideshows of cat pictures along with facts about them. Clicking the buttons at the top summons or dismisses slideshows for different cat breeds. Information is taken from the cats api.

Con Coffee Shop is a logic puzzle game built through custom HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It features my own art as the background and characters, and there is toggleable background music. It depends heavily on JavaScript for functionality and interactivity of the game, which features branching dialogue from each character guiding players to the solution of the puzzle. In the beginning, the player has limited dialogue options and doesn’t know the characters’ names. By going through the dialogue, players reveal the characters’ name, and certain player dialogue choices lead to information that unlocks more choices. Likewise, certain player choices can actually lock other choices, requiring a separate action to unlock the choice again.

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